The “Holocaust Remembered” portable exhibit which can be viewed on site, on line or by power point can also be shown in your schools, churches, and/or clubs.
The permanent exhibit is now available for loan as a portable light weight option. This portable exhibit consists of 12 two sided stands with 2 panels per stand. Please review the loan form linked below. All forms must be completely filled.
Holocaust Remembered State Newspaper/Free Times Supplement
Education Links
- South Carolina Council on the Holocaust
- The Selden K. Smith Foundation for Holocaust Education
- The Jewish Federation of Columbia
- Survivor/Liberator Tapes
- Knowitall.org | SC Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust
- Charleston County Public Library’s special Holocaust Collection that includes the “Jerry and Anita Zucker Holocaust Collection”
- USC Shoah Foundation Institute University of Southern California Leavey Library
- The Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum, Atlanta, Georgia, Online exhibition, “New Lives: Coming to America,” features stories of Holocaust survivors who emigrated to Georgia.
This Album memorializes the arrival of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in May of 1944. It is the only one of its kind, and it is solely due to this album that we have a visual history of what occurred in the Auschwitz-Birchenau death camp. - North Carolina Council on the Holocaust
- The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
- A Teachers Guide to the Holocaust
- Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Anne Frank Online
- Anti-Defamation League Online
- Yad Vashem
- Cybrary of the Holocaust
- The English Companion Ning “where English teachers meet to help each other”
- Facing History & Ourselves
- The Holocaust Quilt Commemorating Charleston Survivors
- Low Country Digital Library (use the word Holocaust as a search term in the “Find” field)
- Violins of Hope Article (as it appeared in “The Jewish Magazine”)
- Centropa
- Facing History
- ADL (Echoes and Reflections curriculum)
- The Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum
- Holocaust Memorials (PowerPoint Slideshow Download)
- The Unbelievable Can Happen!!- Actions of the Descendants of Nazis (YouTube Video)
- Historic Columbia World War II trunk program for Schools